Supreme Court on June 7, 1999, based on a lawsuit filed by Zev Fredman and Shrink Missouri Government Political Action Committee on a Missouri statute limiting individual contributions to political candidates for electioneering as a violation of Fredman's freedom of speech. Courts' decision on the...
law that seems to have gone largely undiscussed: It’s perfectly legal (and normal) for non-constituents to contribute to political candidates. In other words, even if you are barred from voting for a candidate because you live outside that candidate’s district, you can still express your ...
direct or indirectpolitical contributionstocandidates, office holdersorpolitical partiesonbehalf of Linde unless authorised in writing [...] 未经适当管理层的书面批准,林德集团员工不得代表林德集团以直接或间接的方式为候选 人、官员或政党提供政治赞助。
Like any federally-chartered bank, PNC Bank is prohibited by law from making contributions to candidates and political parties in all federal and many state elections. Our policies reflect this prohibition. Consistent with campaign finance laws, PNC sponsors Political Action Committees (PACs), supporte...
010/statewide candidate $488/leg candidate Amounts are per election cycle. Aggregate contributions from an individual to all candidates and candidate committees: $5,610 Amount is per year. Aggregate contributions from all political parties or organizations to a single candidate: $100,110/statewide ...
investment advisers seeking to do business with government entities may be, as a practical matter, virtually prohibited from making political contributions to individual candidates. Investment advisers should consider adopting stringent policies to ensure that restricted contributions are not made inadvertently...
Political campaigns can raise millionsand even billions of dollars through personal and business donations. This money can be used to pay for travel, administration, salaries, and any other campaign-related expenses. Candidates must keep diligent records of where the money comes from and how much ...
Coordinationcampaign contributionexpendituresuper PACCitizens UnitedBuckley v. ValeoBuckley v. Valeo held that the government may limit political contributions to candidates, but it may not limit independent campaign expenditures by individualsBrent Ferguson...
Political Contributions TrackerJosé G. Pérez Period: 2015 - July Continuing Amount Raised: $19,234 Total Contributions: 158 Average Contribution: $122 Median Contribution: $100 View Report Submitted to Election CommmissionDateNameAmountLifetime All CandidatesPersonnel File Feb 19, 2015 David Hoff $...
aCheck conformity to specifications and quality 检查整合到规格和质量[translate] aPayments being made (including charitable contributions) to government officials, political parties, candidates for office or relatives thereof? 被做包括 (对因此) 政府官员、政党、候选人为办公室或亲戚的慈善捐献的付款?[transl...