The current situation in India is that the growth rate of services has overtaken both agriculture and industry and is now more than 50 per cent of GDP. The present study to analysis the relationship between growth rate of service sector and growth rate of service tax in total revenue tax. ...
in 1969 and its annual rate of growth during 1960-69 was coacerned, India was among those in the lower bracket. So far as the forest sector was concerned, its contribution to the growth of the national income haa been rather too small, in relation to its size. But what is disturbing ...
Microenterprises account for the majority share of the MSME sector in India and a significant number of these enterprises are informal. Cost of compliance, complex labor laws, and lack of awareness about the benefits of formalization could be some of the reasons for keeping the micro-enterprises ...
Sadananda Gowda said that the contribution of Indian pharmaceutical sector has been reinforced during this pandemic year when the companies, global and Indian, stepped in and stepped up their efforts in service of the country. Gowda was speaking at the inauguration of two-day Annual Summit of the...
The Paris Agreement introduced an ambitious goal of limiting warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. Here we combine a review of modelled pathways and literature on mitigation strategies, and develop a land-sector roadmap of priority measures and regions that can help to achieve the 1.5...
Fungi provide ecological and environmental services to humans, as well as health and nutritional benefits, and are vital to numerous industries. Fermented
Private sector of the economy of India GDP contribution rate of up to 85 per cent, while in China in recent years to develop the non-public economy, the private economy GDP to the contribution rate is also only reaches to 60 %.
This bibliometric study analyzes 1433 former reviews on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sustainability, providing a comprehensive overview of the
significant sourceofforeigncurrencyearningsinaddition to the sector’s important role as [...] 对许多发展中国家来说,水产品贸易代 表着外汇的重要来源,以及在产生收入、就业来源和提供粮食安全和营养方面的 重要作用。
Please find the data used and additional methods in Supplementary Information. References World Energy Outlook 2018. IEA (2018). McDuffie, E. E. et al. A global anthropogenic emission inventory of atmospheric pollutants from sector- and fuel...