The meaning of CONTRAST is to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with. How to use contrast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contrast.
Incontrast, Biden’s basement has proved more of a tomb than a front porch. — Victor Davis Hanson,National Review, 29 Sep. 2020 The strength of her mind stands incontrastwith the weakness and frailty of her body and condition. —
ContrastofSentenceStructure BetweenChineseandEnglish subjectandtopic 英语:Subject-predicate主语+谓语汉语:Topic-comment主题+述题 Iwouldnotbelievewhathesaid.他的话,我不信。Heisthebestsinger.唱歌,他最棒的。IknowMr.Wang.王先生我认识。Tips:英译汉时,找到主题或话题,然后对其进行补充说明 ...
I think it simply means that the part that follows actually in a sentence, will contain a new topic of conversation or a change or contrast compared to something that was asserted before actually. For example: I was looking forward to reading your work on freedom of speech. Actually, the m...
1) Contrast of the Sentence Structure of Chinese and English 英汉句子结构对比例句>> 2) contrastive study of English and Chinese passives 英汉被动句对比1. This dissertation adopts a cognitive approach and follows the foundational assumptions of cognitive linguistics "human experience -conceptualization-...
系统标签: vocabulary english translation chinese sentence contrast TheUseofVocabularyandSentenceStructureinEnglish-ChineseContrastTranslationTheUseofVocabularyandSentenceStructureinEnglish-ChineseContrastTranslation(云南省广南县坝美初级中学云南广南663319)Abstract:EnglishandChinesebelongtotwodifferentlinguisticfamilies.TheEngli...
write a paragraph of comparison or contrast in English according to one of the two outlines below:___Topic sentence:Raising house plants, to some extent, is similar to raising childrenTopic sentence:Life in college is quite different from life in high school.Supporting...
英汉语义对比与英语写作错误分析ThecontrastbetweenEnglishandChinesesemanticerroranalysis 系统标签: 错误汉语对比写作英语母语 3922014年第1期总第135期No.1.2014Sum135佳木斯教育学院学报英汉语义对比与英语写作错误分析谭翔宇(上海开放大学上海200433)摘要:本研究以42篇大学生书面写作中的错误为样本进行词汇语法错误统计分析...
By Contrast + subject of the sentence Note: According to Longman Dictionary you can use "in contrast" + "(with/to)" Example For "in contrast": The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents. Examples For "by contrast": The birth rate ...
3.When it is used as a post-modifier to indicate that the coming information is incontrastwith some message conveyed in the precedent sentence,it often functions explicitly or implicitly.文章在作分析时导入了"对照"概念,并将其分为"显在""潜在"两部分加以论述:首先阐明「は」显性对照时的意义表达,然...