The meaning of CONTRADICTORY is involving, causing, or constituting a contradiction. How to use contradictory in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contradictory.
A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I'm an only child.
Both men like to engage audiences wider than the nearest senior common room; both have a pronounced impishness; and neither shirks from controversy Guha has described the polemics of Arundhati Roy as "ventures into social science … self-regarding and self-indulgent … and also self-contradictory...
The meaning of SELF-CONTRADICTORY is consisting of two contradictory members or parts. How to use self-contradictory in a sentence.
No results found forself contradictory Did you meanself-contradiction? More Suggestions: contradictory subcontractor law of contradiction boa constrictor contractor contradict contradiction contradictious contradictive
self-contradictory - Dictionary definition and meaning for wordself-contradictory Definition (adj) seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true Synonyms:paradoxical Example Sentence it is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking
Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation Stock ROM vs. Custom ROM Ribeye vs. Porterhouse Anteater vs. Armadillo Aqueous Humor vs. Vitreous Humor Farmed Fish vs. Wild Fish Referendum vs. Elections Diamonds vs. Crystals High Commission vs. Embassy Trending Terms Wifey Definition and Meaning Scant Definition...
Garnish [when meaning ‘take out of wages,’ Oz uses ‘garnishee’] Help [the only opposite is ‘hinder’] Lease [compound verb – one “leases a property *to* a tenant,” the tenant leases it *from* you] Liege [‘liege’ is originally an adjective – one has a ‘liege-lord’ or...
As a result, to say that Dasein is similar to a text through which the meaning of being can be deciphered would entail a renewed interrogation of the definition of the word "text". There are not only, nor first and foremost, texts in the world that would exist as cultural objects ...
The meaning of NONCONTRADICTORY is not contradictory : not involving, causing, or being a contradiction. How to use noncontradictory in a sentence.