Lawmakers in 2019 passed a law aimed directly at Uber and Lyft, mandating they provide drivers with protections like minimum wage, overtime, health insurance and reimbursement for expenses. It changed the rules in California of who is an employee and who is an independen...
As professional insulation contractors in Torrance, we ensure that the work conforms to all the following laws: California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) This statewide code sets energy efficiency standards for new and existing residential buildings. It covers insulation requirements, air sealing, ...
Professional Concrete Contractors in San Jose, California Concrete Services to Make Your Home More Comfortable Are you looking to replace your driveway, lay a beautiful walkway to your home or install a patio or deck to enjoy in your backyard? We will discuss options like interlocking pavers, co...
CSLB will provide the industry more information on the upcoming fee increase in the spring. From CSLB... New 2016 Laws Will Affect Contractors Business Operations... Not Your Forms! SACRAMENTO- California law (Business and Professions Code Section 7071) requires all contractors to have either a...
Employers classifying workers in California as independent contractors face grave new concerns based on Assembly Bill 5, signed into law by Governor Newsom on Wednesday, September 18. In its breadth and the risk to which it subjects employers, AB 5 easily eclipses last year’s state Supreme ...
CONTRACTORS, particularly CALIFORNIA contractors... Are you tired of trying to keep up with all the law changes from CSLB and other state licensing boards that have jurisdiction over you? ASK US how we keep your software forms current with any NEW LAWS... without expensive upgrades!
In response, developers argued they were exempt owner- builders. The court was not persuaded that developers qualified as owner-builders by performing their own work or hiring licensed subcontractors. Citing a 1989 amendment, the court found the developers were not owner-builders exempted by the ...
Posted byAlexis HicksMay 20, 2020Posted ininsurance How to Save Money on California Contractors insurance- essential tips. Whether you own a small, medium, or large construction company, it is essential that you abide by the laws of the state, and for this, you will need to have contrac...
We've helped homeowners and business owners alike throughout Hawaii, California, Nevada, Taiwan, the Philippines, Barbados, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia since 1980. Let us use our years of experience to transform your space. Whether you're a resort hotel owner, a commercial business or a...
to ensure your application will be approved the first time. And, more importantly, we are in constant contact throughout the licensing process with both you and the licensing board until you receive your license. Expedites MAY be obtained in California based upon a review of your circumstances....