during isometric voluntary contraction Ryosuke Matsuya1, Junichi Ushiyama2,3 & Junichi Ushiba3,4 Corticomuscular coherence (CMC) is an oscillatory synchronization of 15–35 Hz (β-band) between electroencephalogram (EEG) of the sensorimotor cortex and electromyogram of contracting muscles. Al...
Understanding this phenomenon could provide insight into the control of glycogenolysis during contraction. Therefore, glycogen breakdown was investigated in isolated extensor digitorum longus CK−/− muscle. Muscles were stimulated to produce repeated tetani for 20 s in the presence of sodium cyanide ...
The bigger semicircular sling and smaller semicircular clasp muscle bundles of the LES were identified and obtained as previ- ously described24. The muscle strips, which were 3 mm wide and 10 mm long, were trimmed from the sling and clasp muscles, respectively, and suspended in 7 ml ...
Abstract: Glucose is an important fuel for highly active skeletal muscles. Increased adenosine monophosphate (AMP)/adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ratios during repetitive contractions trig- ger AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), indicated by phosphorylation of AMPKαThr172, which promotes glucose uptake ...
Many studies report that older adults increase muscle coactivation of the muscles around the ankle joint to avoid falls and posture instability [9,10]. The elevated co-contraction about the ankle in older adults is associated with increased fall risk [11,12]. In sum, the maintenance of the ...