A futures-enabled fast resource trading mechanism in edge computing-assisted UAV networks. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 2021, 39, 3252–3270. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Marbukh, V. Towards Robust Fog/Edge Computing Infrastructure with Risk Adjusted Multi-Connectivity. In Proceedings of the 2022...
Advantages to CFD trading include lower margin requirements, easy access to global markets, no shorting or day trading rules, and little or no fees. However, high leverage magnifies losses when they occur, and having to pay a spread to enter and exit positions can be costly when large price...
Global against divided optimization for the participation of an EV aggregator in the day-ahead electricity market. Part I: Theory. Electr. Power Syst. Res. 2013, 95, 309–318. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Vatandoust, B.; Ahmadian, A.; Golkar, M.A.; Elkamel, A.; Al...
(9) Industrial dummy variable (Industry): according to the “Industry Classification Guidelines for Listed Companies” issued by the Securities and Futures Commission in 2001, all industries are classified by the first code, except for the manufacturing industry, which is classified by two codes. ...
Risk management is an essential way for farmers to reduce uncertainty. In this research, a stratified random sampling method was used to survey 350 maize farmers in four different agro-ecological regions in Bangladesh. Using the multivariate probit model