The Seller shall complete the installation and commissioning of the equipment before the end of the month, and complete the inspection stipulated in the acceptance manual. Meanwhile, the seller must sign the equipment acceptance document and prove that the inspection has been completed. The acceptance...
In view of the fact that the seller has exclusive rights to manufacture and sell the equipment and related materials of the company, and in view of the buyer's intention to purchase the equipment and related information from the seller, the parties shall, under the principle of voluntariness, ...
14、Due to our purchase of equipment for the duty-free import of equipment from your company, the spare parts the contract related to are also duty-free import and export declarations.(因为此次在贵公司购买的设备为免税进口设备,因此合同条款中涉及到的备件也属于免税报关的。)(hao86.com好工具) ...
THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA BIDDINGDOCUMENTS FOR GENERAL CONTRACT OF STANDARD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (2012version) 第一部分文件包括全部招标、评标文件和程序,以及合同条款及格式; 第二部分文件包括与招标和投标有关的表格及重要附件; 第三部分文件系某大型国企工程项目招标文件全套。 (国家发改委等九部委颁...
[equipment, machinery or the like] in the following manner: the initial payment payable with this order, and the remaining balance in monthly payments together with monthly charge for service, all as stated on the face of this agreement; the billing for monthly payments will commence for each ...
But the general problem has in fact been the subject of attention for many centuries. Attempts to regulate the price of staple commodities (e.g. bread), and to control measurements and measuring equipment (e.g. in the sale of beer and coal) date back to the Middle Ages. More recently,...
Sale Manageback Sale Managebacks Sale note Sale of Adjudicated Properties Sale of books Sale of Equipment Sale of goods ▼Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Please let us know Remove AdsFace...
•Themodelisprimarilyintendedforgoodssoldandboughtingeneralcommerceandwhichcaneasilybesubstitutedratherthanforcustombuiltgoodsorequipmentpurchasedbytheenduser.•用于一般商业活动中的买卖而且易于替代的商品,不用于定造的商品或最终用户购买的商品 •Excluding:saleofrawmaterial,agriculturalproduceorfoodandperishable...
(1)The company contracted with a local firm to provide the necessary equipment. 该公司与当地一家公司签订合同,提供必要的设备。 (2)We contracted with them to do the work. 我们和他们订立了做这项工作的合同。 其他短语:contract in表示“在……订合同”;contract for表示“为……订合同”;contract in...
The quality and performance of the postscript machine shall be guaranteed by Party A to Party B for a period of three years. During this period, Party B will be liable for damages and repairs if there is any natural fault which is not the fault of Party