Contract Act of Pakistan document of “the contactActof Pakistan” by clicking this link THECONTRACTACT‚ 1872 PRELIMINARY. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VIII...
LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT.The Contractor shallbe governed by thelaws of Pakistan. Sample 1 LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT. C25.1This contractshall be governed by theLaws of Indiafor the time beingin force. C25.2 Irrespective ofthe place of deliveryand the place ofpayment under the contract, the...
For the moment, however, s 73 of the Indian Contract Act and its progeny continue to operate effectively right up to the present day in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. Interestingly, in instruments designed to harmonise contract law, such as the United National Con- vention on ...