Search for public court records online in the Contra Costa County Superior Court of California. Lookup the case information you need and search by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Get...
UniCourt gives you access to trial court records at Concord Superior Court, other courthouses across Contra Costa County Superior Courts, and throughout the State of California, so you can search multiple jurisdictions for different types of cases: Civil Right, Contract, Family, Labor, Other, Per...
Contra Costa Superior Court seeks civil grand jury applicantsPaul Burgarino
Jean-PierreOsier,“Un aspectdu judaïsme individualiste d’Uriel da Costa,”Cahiers Spinoza3(1979–1980), 101–115.Orobio,Epístola,inRévah,Spinoza,89–90.See here for the followingquotations.OrobioContraPrado:ATrans-EuropeanControversy47 butfulloffickleness,pride,arrogance,convinced...
Contra Costa Superior Court Ending Practice of Home Auctions on Courthouse StepsFraley, Malaika
Commentary Justice Jesse Carter, known as "The Great Dissenter" on the California Supreme Court for 20 years, wrote a dissent in opposition to allowing black workers to picket for employment in Richmond, California in the 1940's. The commentary explores how some of the language used in Justice...
Contra Costa Superior Court Announces Deep Cuts, Court Closures in Closing Budget GapRogers, Robert
Anita L. Santos Appointed Contra Costa Superior Court Judgegpetersonbayareanewsgroup. com
Rick Hurd