Contra Costa Superior Court seeks civil grand jury applicantsPaul Burgarino
About Los Medanos College (LMC): LMC is one of three colleges in the Contra Costa Community College District, serving the East Contra Costa County community. Established in 1974, LMC has earned federal designations as a Minority-Serving and Hispanic-Serving institution. It offers award-winning tr...
Plaintiffs Tele-Vue Systems, Inc. and Contra Costa Cable Co. provided master television antennas at high, relatively unobstructed, points and then transmitted signals through a system of cables carried on utility company poles to the homes of subscribers to their service. At the terminal points a...
⁶⁹The process described by Orobio can, for sure, be detected in Uriel da Costa’sbiog-raphy,⁷⁰but it is less clear for Prado, who manifested his first doubts in Andalusiawhen hewasstill ignorant of normative Judaism.We cannot speak here, as withre-spect to Uriel da Costa, of...
Contra Costa Superior Court Ending Practice of Home Auctions on Courthouse StepsFraley, Malaika
Commentary Justice Jesse Carter, known as "The Great Dissenter" on the California Supreme Court for 20 years, wrote a dissent in opposition to allowing black workers to picket for employment in Richmond, California in the 1940's. The commentary explores how some of the language used in Justice...
Contra Costa Superior Court Announces Deep Cuts, Court Closures in Closing Budget GapRogers, Robert
Fraley, Malaika
Rick Hurd