Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> silhouettecurvereliefshapefigureformlinesprofileoutlinecontour all noun verb Synonyms for contour Collins Roget's WordNet nounoutline Synonyms outline profile lines form figure shape relief curve silhouette Collins Thesaurus of the Eng...
The meaning of CONTOUR is an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape; also : the line representing this outline. How to use contour in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contour.
Synonym Iris segmentation using snakes Definition Iris segmentation using active contours is finding an iris region in an image using snakes which are curves such as inner and outer boundaries at pupil and sclera. Iris segmentation is a key task for iris recognition. However, it is challenging to...
What is a synonym for cartography? What is a conic map projection? What is cadastral survey boundary? What is loess? What is CBR in human geography? What are the three scale classifications of maps? What are the branches of human geography? What is a isogloss map? What is a conformal ...
Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the word:adorn A. admiration B. decorate C. adore D. worship 查看完整题目与答案 焊接应力是由于焊接时局部的( ) A. 不均匀加热 B. 均匀加热 C. 不自由膨胀 D. 不均匀收缩 查看完整题目与答案 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一组是 让...
The meaning of CONTOUR is an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape; also : the line representing this outline. How to use contour in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contour.