DOWNLOAD COUPON BUY NOW REGISTER YOUR METER FAQs: How do I set up my CONTOUR®NEXT ONE meter? What is the smartLIGHT™ feature and what do the colors mean? What is Second-Chance®Sampling? Featured Customer Reviews* It really is the perfect size. I use a CGM but you still need to...
Living with diabetes is going to be much easier when you can use blood glucose monitors and other tools to stay out of trouble. The Contour Next One is a
Get the CONTOUR®DIABETES app for your smartphone or tablet.*It’s easy to download and completely free. 2. Creating an Account Create an account to view data from multiple meters on multiple devices through the app and more. 3. Pairing Your Meter with the App Pair one or multiple meters...
“why in the world did I buy this?”, Contour is a must-have for every screenwriter. Taking your idea and using a fill-in-the blanks and intuitive approach, Contour guides you as to what elements need to be part of your story outline...
代理人名称 上海健臻医疗科技有限责任公司 代理人住所 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区基隆路6号6楼616室 产品名称 血糖仪CONTOUR NEXT ONE blood glucose meter 管理类别 第二类 型号规格 CONTOUR NEXT ONE 结构及组成 由模拟前端模块,数字引擎模块,射频引擎模块、用户界面模块、软件(发布版本号DE02/REF20)组成。
进口器械 > 血糖仪 反馈纠错帮助中心打印 产品名称(中文)血糖仪 产品名称(英文)CONTOUR NEXT ONE blood glucose meter 结构及组成/主要组成成分由模拟前端模块,数字引擎模块,射频引擎模块、用户界面模块、软件(发布版本号DE02/REF20)组成。 适用范围/预期用途基于电化学原理,与采用干化学法的优安信®血...
血糖仪CONTOUR NEXT ONE blood glucose meter,由模拟前端模块,数字引擎模块,射频引擎模块,用户界面模块,软件(发布版本号DE02/RFE20)组成。,血糖仪CONTOUR NEXT ONE blood glucose meter,<<me_syfw>。
CONTOUR DIABETES app (US) 2.3.20 > 友情链接新的CONTOUR 糖尿病应用程序与 CONTOURNEXT ONE 智能仪表同步,以实现无缝血糖 (BG) 监测新的CONTOUR 糖尿病应用程序与 CONTOURNEXT ONE 智能仪表同步,以实现无缝血糖 (BG) 监测。这款易于使用的应用程序可以让您更好地了解您的日常活动如何影响您的血糖...
contour next one快速使用手册血糖仪快速使用指南 1.血糖仪各部名称:试纸试纸槽灯试纸槽上下翻页键,确认键盘。 试纸条的灰色方块为测试端,另一端为吸血端。只能用专用试纸。 2.可以把数据传给手机应用软件 3.上下翻页键可以选择功能,某一功能闪烁时,按中间的确认键,进入选择。可以从血糖仪进行初始设置。按中间的...
V1.0 REMOTE CARE PARTNERS PAGE 1 CONTOUR® NEXT ONE Glucose Meter Quick Start Guide NOTES ON SAFETY Please read this section carefully to familiarize yourself with the features and operations before using the unit. 1. Do not allow other people to use your blood glucose meter. The meter ...