contourf contour levels must be increasing -回复 在使用contourf函数绘制等高线图时,一般要求等高线的级别必须是递增的。这意味着在设置等高线的值时,每个级别的数值必须比前一个级别的数值大。这一要求是为了确保图形的可读性和一致性,同时还能保证数据的准确性和可解释性。 为了更好地理解这一要求,我们可以从以下...
其中 `contour levels` 表示等高线的级别。如果你遇到了 "contourf contour levels must be increasing" 的错误,说明你提供的等高线级别不是递增的。 `contourf` 函数要求输入的等高线级别必须是递增的序列,这样才能正确地绘制等高线图。如果级别不是递增的,可能会导致图像显示不正确或出现错误。 要解决这个问题,你可以...
递增的contour levels是绘制等高线图的基本要求。当contour levels非递增时,无法准确呈现数据的不同层次和分布情况,导致视觉表达的混乱和信息的不准确。这种情况下,观察者很难解读图像,并从中获取准确的信息。 在contourf中,可以通过设置contour levels来控制等值线的密度和区分度。一般来说,更多的contour levels可以提供...
raise ValueError("Contour levels must be increasing") ValueError: Contour levels must be increasing Thanks for any advice. Also if you have any other examples I should consider first I would love to hear your opinion. ThanksOwner dfm commented Feb 9, 2016 This is a duplicate of #68. Can...
When X is a vector, the values must be strictly increasing or decreasing. Example: X = 1:10 Example: X = [1 2 3; 1 2 3; 1 2 3] Example: [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:10) The XData property of the Contour object stores the x-coordinates. Data Types: single | double | int8 | int...
contour(X,Y,Z), contour(X,Y,Z,n), and contour(X,Y,Z,v)draw contour plots of Zusing Xand Yto determine thex- andy-axis limits. When Xand Yare matrices, they must be the same size as Zand must be monotonically increasing.
Interferograms can also be recorded from different directions; this is called angular multiplexing. In addition, different illumination wavelengths can be used in a process called wavelength multiplexing. When recording more than one interferogram, the sample must be mechanically stable between the ...
Two properties of vector b must be outlined when a starting point p close to a gray level discontinuity is given: i) vector b is normal to the discontinuity and ii) if a configuration with σ1>σ2/π is chosen then b joins a point p' which is closer to the discontinuity than the ...
Management of storm runoff can be critical in urban areas. Urban development increases the extent of impervious surfaces (rooftops, roads, parking lots), and runoff from these areas must be accepted by a stormwater detention and conveyance system. Construction can cause soil compaction, increasing ...
Visualizing contour maps in Google Earth. "X" contains the location longitudes whereas "Y" contains the location latitudes of the data in the 2D numerical array "M". "M" should at least be 2x2. Both "X" and "Y" must be monotonically increasing. "X" must be a vector of length size...