Once the GPS Assist file is installed it is valid for up to 14 days. After this you will need to connect to Contour Storyteller or the Contour Connect mobile app again to get a new GPS Assist file. If your Contour+2 has obtained a Position Fix within the last two to four hours...
If updates are available for download, click "Install Updates". After the update is completed, restart your PC. If Windows Update failed to resolve the peice_5x1_1x1_piece_contour.txt error message, please proceed to next step.Please note that this final step is recommended for advanced PC...
Fuzzy energyThis paper presents a fuzzy energy-based active contour model for image segmentation with shape prior based on collaborative representation of training shapes. In the paper, a fuzzy energy functional including a data term and a shape prior term is proposed. The data term relies on ...
IInnflfluueenncceeooffrreessoolluuttioionnoonnfiflielessizizeeaannddssccaannnnininggtitmimeefofor raa111100mmmm××111100mmmmaarreeaa: :((aa))BBiittmmaapp ((BBMMPP))fiflielessizizeessvvss. .rreessooluluttioionn;;((bb))ssccaannnnininggtitmimeevvss. .rreessoolulutitoionn. . As can be ...
However, implementing the above-mentioned control approach requires proper tuning for the controller gains to achieve the good performance. In addition, a heavy computational effort will increase challenges in the real-time implementation issue. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 9036; doi:10.3390/app10249036 www...