else { logger.error("An unexpected error occurred: {}", cause.getMessage()); } } try { sitewiseActions.deleteAssetAsync(assetId).join(); logger.info("Request to delete asset {} sent successfully", assetId); } catch (CompletionException ce) { Throwable cause = ce.getCause();...
{ if (process.env['USE_IAM'] == 'true'){ return getUrlAndHeaders( process.env['NEPTUNE_ENDPOINT'], process.env['NEPTUNE_PORT'], {}, '/gremlin', 'wss'); } else { const database_url = 'wss://' + process.env['NEPTUNE_ENDPOINT'] + ':' + process.env['NEPTUNE_PORT'] + '...
Amazon EMR adds all needed rules to these groups, so they can be empty if you require only the default rules. :param steps: The job flow steps to add to the cluster. These are run in order when the cluster is ready. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The ...
(accountAlias);constautooutcome = iam.DeleteAccountAlias(request);if(!outcome.IsSuccess()){std::cerr <<"Error deleting account alias "<< accountAlias <<": "<< outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; }else{std::cout <<"Successfully deleted account alias "<< accountAlias << ...
(certificateArn); Aws::ACM::Model::RenewCertificateOutcome outcome = acmClient.RenewCertificate(request);if(!outcome.IsSuccess()){std::cerr <<"Error: RenewCertificate: "<< outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl;returnfalse; }else{std::cout <<"Success: Renewed certificate with ARN ...
private static void DisplayMovies(List<Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>> items) { if (items.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Found {items.Count} movies."); items.ForEach(item => Console.WriteLine($"{item["year"].N}\t{item["title"].S}")); } else { Console.Wri...
set(WINDOWS_BUILD ${MSVC}) if (WINDOWS_BUILD) # Set the location where CMake can find the installed libraries for the AWS SDK. string(REPLACE ";" "/aws-cpp-sdk-all;" SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH}/aws-cpp-sdk-all") list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${SYSTEM_MODULE...
, certificate_arn) raise else: return tags def remove_tags(self, certificate_arn, tags): """ Removes tags from a certificate. If the value of a tag is specified, the tag is removed only when the value matches the value of the certificate's tag. Otherwise, the tag is removed...
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ConfirmSubscription CreateTopic DeleteTopic GetSMSAttributes GetTopicAttributes ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ListSubscriptions ListTopics Publish SetSMSAttributes SetSubscriptionAttributes SetSubscriptionAttributesRedrivePolicy SetTopicAttributes Subscribe TagResource Unsubscribe Skenario Membangun ap...
ExportCertificate(request); if (!outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cerr << "Error: ExportCertificate: " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Success: Information about certificate with ARN '" << certificateArn << "':" << std::endl << std::en...