The previous global variables like $ZPLG_HOME have been removed to not pollute the namespace – there's single $ZINIT hash instead of 8 string variables. Please update your dotfiles. declare -A ZINIT # initial Zinit's hash definition, if configuring before loading Zinit, and then: Hash ...
The European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme Investment for growth and jobs ERDF 2014-2020 under Project number ERDF1094, Data Platform and Sensing Technology for Environmental Sensing LAB – DPS4ESLAB.” REFERENCES Here is the full list of peer-reviewed publications that we know th...
Strategic intent of BACI's CSR investments BACI's societal commitments to local communities have been historically guided by the Bank's pledges as a global citizen, the CSR projects supported in India are highly contexualised and responsive to local needs. BACI leadership in 2019-20 revisite...
Smart farming technology is becoming of the actual topics in the modern world of technology. Contemporary farming technology expands robot applications by using AI for the recognition of variable patterns. Moreover, the agriculture field demands a safety
The advancements in human-centered artificial intelligence (HCAI) systems for Industry 5.0 is a new phase of industrialization that places the worker at the center of the production process and uses new technologies to increase prosperity beyond jobs and growth. HCAI presents new objectives that were...
In step ➀, the global model is delivered to different local models. In step ➁, each model mainly consists of LSTM layers with local model parameters, guiding the local server to learn a model 𝜃𝑖θi and predict network traffic as the time slot changes. In step ➂, the local ...
Introducing AI-equipped Tomato Harvesting Robots to Farms May Help to Create Jobs. 2018. Available online: (accessed on 20 November 2020). 19. Chen, X.; Yang, S.X. A practical solution for ripe tomato recognition and localisation. ...
The previous global variables like $ZPLG_HOME have been removed to not pollute the namespace – there's single $ZINIT hash instead of 8 string variables. Please update your dotfiles. declare -A ZINIT # initial Zinit's hash definition, if configuring before loading Zinit, and then: Hash ...