Our body produces a chemical compound called histamine when it is exposed to environmental reactors. These reactors are called allergens and can cause symptoms like watery eyes, a runny nose, nasal congestion or sneezing, etc. An increase in histamine levels sensitizes our respiratory and nasal trac...
Nasal symptoms that were reduced were nose blocked* 6 (12), 18 (26); sneezing* 4 (8), 15 (25); dry nose* 8 (12), 24 (33); stuffy nose* 7 (14), 22(31); dry mouth* 13 (18), 33(36); and runny nose* 6 (17), 14 (29). Parameters marked with an asterisk '*' had ...
The presence of positive airway pressure can lead to nasal complaints, such as nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea, nasal dryness, and sneezing in up to 44–65% of CPAP users [4,13]. Balsalobre et al. showed that CPAP use by awake healthy individuals resulted in worsening of nasal obstruction,...