For a profinite group, we construct a model structure on profinite spaces and profinite spectra with a continuous action. This yields descent spectral sequences for the homotopy groups of homotopy fixed point spaces and for stable homotopy groups of homotopy orbit spaces. Our main example is ...
Let G be a profinite group, {X_alpha}_alpha a cofiltered diagram of discrete G-spectra, and Z a spectrum with trivial G-action. We show how to define the homotopy fixed point spectrum F(Z, holim_alpha X_alpha)^{hG} and that when G has finite virtual cohomological dimension (vcd)...
In order to obtain a continuous action spaces generalization of the game Γ0 presented in Sect. 2, we assume that the principal may decide her inspection accuracy a, with 0≤a≤1, and that inspecting costs her cP(a)=h⋅aα, where α is a positive constant and h is defined as in ...
one can prescribe some intravenous drugs insulin. the introduction of the drugs in the bloodstream and the consequent absorption for the body are gradual and continuous process. in this situation the impulsive action starts at any arbitrary fixed point and stays active on a finite time interval. ...
This action activated a heater placed above the cage. In the figure, note the inverse relationship between the decline in Tc and the increase in ΔEE from Q1 to Q4, as well as the increase in ambient temperature operantly selected by rats during sleep deprivation. Prolonged, total sleep ...
For example, these parameters can direct the oper- ator to take certain action if no stream elements have arrived for T wall-clock seconds, making the semantics dependent on stream arrival and processing rates. All operators in Aurora are stream-to-stream, and Au- rora does not explicitly ...
rostro-caudal axis within ACC (Supplementary results and supplementary Fig.5d–f). Taken together, these results provide strong evidence that the cingulate and paracingulate cortex are instrumental in adjusting behaviour in response to the action of partners/competitors and according to the social ...
, the duration of these changes is relatively short compared to the overall duration of the whole process). The other is noninstantaneous impulsive differential equations (see [26], i.e., the impulsive action starts at an arbitrary fixed point and remains active on a finite time interval). ...
Continuous group actions on profinite spaces. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215 (2011), no. 5, 1024-1039. MR2747236 (2012k:55018), Zbl 1227.55013.Qu10. Quick, G.: Continuous group actions on profinite spaces. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215 , 1024–1039 (2011) MathSciNet MATH...
"Continuous group actions on profinite spaces". In: J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215.5 (2011), pp. 1024-1039. issn: 0022-4049. doi: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2010.07.008. url: Quick, Continuous group actions on profinite spaces, J. Pure Appl. ...