Let be an additive interval function on a nondegerate closed interval I n . The author establishes conditions which are equivalent to the continuity of on I. Using these conditions he proves that if is strongly differentiable (the derivative being finite) at any point of I, then is ...
lrrrkvkSjvodyuhrk40ContinuityDerivability41 系统标签: vksjderivabilitycontinuity Free.tekoclasses,H.O.D.Maths:SUHAGR.KARIYA(SRKSir),BhopalPh.:(0755)3200000Page1 lrr~rkvkSjvodyuh;rklrr~rkvkSjvodyuh;rklrr~rkvkSjvodyuh;rklrr~rkvkSjvodyuh;rk(Continuity&Derivability) Calculusrequiredcontinuity,andco...