The 1,500 page measure, known as acontinuing resolution, would have done more than keep the government funded at current levels to prevent agovernment shutdown. The bill was laden with dozens of add-ons making it resemble the massive end-of-year spending packages that GOP leaders have vowed ...
Continuing Resolution: Good News For Guard Counterdrug Program.The article reports that the two chambers of U.S. Congress have allotted nearly 230 million U.S. dollars worth of funding for the National Guard's counter-drug program for the fiscal year 2013.EBSCO_AspNational Guard...
The Houthis may also seek to exploit their new-found stature following strikes against Israel in any potential negotiations with Saudi Arabia over a resolution to Yemen's civil war. The have raised "their ceiling for negotiations,” said al-Goido. “No one will ...
Continuing Resolution For HHS Agencies Appears Unavoidable As FY 2006 NearsShirley Haley
Commentary: Please, Not Another Continuing ResolutionAs we've come to expect, Congress revealed plans not to pass a defense spending bill by the end of the fiscal year, Sept.Defense News
CR Has Pluses, Minuses; Transport and Regulators Gain.(Market News)(continuing resolution )Dutton, AudreyAckerman, Andrew
Th Dems want to use a government shutdown to destroy the Tea Party. A dubious plan, indeed. Either Boehner or Obama will choke, and their troops will follow, case closed. The Dems also will win if the GOP blinks, as far as the Tea Party goes, because then they will be able to ...