Like other programming languages, in Python, the continue statement is used to continue the loop executing by skipping rest of the statement written after the continue statement in a loop.The continue statement does not terminate the loop execution, it skips the current iteration of the loop and...
Python continue statement is used to skip the execution of the current iteration of the loop. Python continue vs break, continue vs pass statement in Python.
Here's a basic example illustrating the use of continue statement in python: for num in range(10): if num == 5: continue print(num) In this example, the loop print numbers from 0 to 9. When the num variable is equal to 5, the continue statement is enacted, skipping that specific...
Python 语言 continue 语句语法格式如下: continue 流程图: 实例: 实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-forletterin'Python':# 第一个实例ifletter=='h':continueprint'当前字母 :',lettervar=10# 第二个实例whilevar>0:var=var-1ifvar==5:continueprint'当前变量值 :',va...
Python 语言 continue 语句语法格式如下: continue 流程图: 实例: 实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-forletterin'Python':# 第一个实例ifletter=='h':continueprint'当前字母 :',lettervar=10# 第二个实例whilevar>0:var=var-1ifvar==5:continueprint'当前变量值 :',va...
continue 语句用来告诉Python跳过当前循环的剩余语句,然后继续进行下一轮循环。continue语句用在while和for循环中。Python 语言 continue 语句语法格式如下:continue流程图:实例:实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- for letter in 'Python': # 第一个实例 if letter == 'h': ...
continuePython 中的语句将控件返回到当前循环的开头。遇到时,循环开始下一次迭代,而不执行当前迭代中的剩余语句。 continue语句可用于while和for循环。 句法 continue 复制 流程图 例子 #!/usr/bin/python3 for letter in 'Python': # First Example if letter == 'h': continue print ('Current Letter ...
Python2 continue 语句Python continue 语句跳出本次循环,而break跳出整个循环。continue 语句用来告诉Python跳过当前循环的剩余语句,然后继续进行下一轮循环。continue语句用在while和for循环中。Python 语言 continue 语句语法格式如下:continue 流程图:实例:实例(Python 2.0+) #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF...
无涯教程-Python - continue 语句函数 它将控制返回到while循环的开头。Continue语句拒绝循环的当前迭代中的所有剩余语句,并将控件移回循环的顶部。 CONTINUE语句可以在while和for循环中使用。 continue statement - 语法 continue 1. continue statement - 流程图...
Break Statement in Python is used to terminate the loop. Syntax of break Statement Break; Flow Chart of Break Statements Example 1 of break statement : for i in range(10): print(i) if(i == 7): print('break'); break Output:- ...