Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
ylbtech-loop:流程控制(Process control)高级 if while do-while break与continue的区别? break continue JS:2.2.1,if返回顶部 for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { document.write("数字是 " + i) document.write("") } 解释: for 循环的步进值从 i=0 开始。 只要i 小于等于 5,循环就会继续运...
JavaScript 版本: 1.0。JavaScript 1.2 支持可选标签引用。更多实例 实例 该实例我们在 while 循环中使用了 continue 语句。 循环代码块,在 i 等于 "3" 时跳过当前循环: var text = "";var i = 0;while (i < 5) { i++; if (i == 3) { continue; }text += "The number is " + i;} text...
When theifblock is not executed, your code to increasenumwill also be skipped. Thus, you must increasenumagain outside theifblock to prevent an infinite loop. More on JavaScript continue JavaScript continue With Nested Loop. Whencontinueis used inside two nested loops,continueaffects only the in...
1. continue 首先看continue,Enter loop,循环开始,然后是循环的测试条件,如果为假,则直接跳出循环;...
2java中有一种带标签的continue和break,可以终止多层循环。3,你可以定义一个变量,当循环到你想要的条件时就改变他的值,然后每层都判断一下这个值是否改变,改变了就break 2022-03-18 00:515回复 -イリヤスフィール-loop1:for(...){ for(...){ ... break loop1; //当运行上面这行代码时跳出循环 }...
JavaScript 版本: 1.0。JavaScript 1.2 支持可选标签引用。更多实例实例 该实例我们在 while 循环中使用了 continue 语句。 循环代码块,在 i 等于 "3" 时跳过当前循环: var text = "";var i = 0;while (i < 5) { i++; if (i == 3) { continue; }text += "The number is " + i;} text ...
continue Loop2; } document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text += j + " "; }} text 输出结果为: i = 0, j = 10 11 13 14i = 1, j = 10 11 13 14i = 2, j = 10 11 13 14 知识兔 » 相关页面 JavaScript 教程: JavaScript Break 和 Continue JavaScript 教程: JavaScript 循环...
JavaScript中的break和continue都是用于控制循环语句的流程的关键字,但它们之间有一些区别。1. break关键字用于立即终止当前循环,并执行循环之后的代码。例如,在for循环中使用...
JavaScriptBreak and Continue Thebreakstatement "jumps out" of a loop. Thecontinuestatement "jumps over" one iteration in the loop. The Break Statement You have already seen thebreakstatement used in an earlier chapter of this tutorial. It was used to "jump out" of aswitch()statement. ...