C while( i-- >0) { x = f( i );if( x ==1)continue; y += x * x; } In this example, the statement body is executed whileiis greater than 0. Firstf(i)is assigned tox; then, ifxis equal to 1, thecontinuestatement is executed. The rest of the statements in the body get ...
C continue 语句 C 循环 C 语言中的 continue 语句有点像 break 语句。但它不是强制终止,continue 会跳过当前循环中的代码,强迫开始下一次循环。 对于 for 循环,continue 语句执行后自增语句仍然会执行。对于 while 和 do...while 循环,continue 语句重新执行条件
continue statement C编程中的continue语句有点像break语句。 它强制执行循环的下一次迭代,而不是强制终止,跳过其间的任何代码。 对于for循环,continue语句会导致条件测试并增加循环的部分来执行。 对于while和do...while循环,continue语句使程序控制传递给条件测试。 语法(Syntax) C语言中continue语句的语法如下 - contin...
// using continue statement inside// nested for loop#include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){intnumber;intsum =0;// nested for loops// first loopfor(inti =1; i <=3; i++) {// second loopfor(intj =1; j <=3; j++) {if(j ==2) {continue; }cout<<"i = "<< i <<", ...
C 语言中 continue 语句的语法:continue; 流程图实例实例 #include <stdio.h> int main () { /* 局部变量定义 */ int a = 10; /* do 循环执行 */ do { if( a == 15) { /* 跳过迭代 */ a = a + 1; continue; } printf("a 的值: %d\n", a); a++; }while( a < 20 ); ...
C - Assignment Operators C - Unary Operators C - Increment and Decrement Operators C - Ternary Operator C - sizeof Operator C - Operator Precedence C - Misc Operators Decision Making in C C - Decision Making C - if statement C - if...else statement ...
continue to increase in height继续增加株高 IF statement“如果”叙述 一种条件叙述,叙述中指定一个要进行测试的条件并规定这个条件满足时应执行的操作。 用于控制条件叙述执行的一种叙述,IF之后总是跟有THEN子句,有时还带有ELSE子句。 相似单词 continuev.[I] 1. 继续,持续;延伸(+with) 2. 留,仍旧 3. 继...
Here is the following example of a continue statement in C++: Open Compiler #include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){// Local variable declaration:inta=10;// do loop executiondo{if(a==15){// skip the iteration.a=a+1;continue;}cout<<"value of a: "<<a<<endl;a=a+1;}while(a...
You will get an error if this appears in switch statement. When a break statement is encountered, it terminates the block and gets the control out of the switch or loop. When a continue statement is encountered, it gets the control to the next iteration of the loop. A break causes the...
C continue 语句 C 循环 C 语言中的 continue 语句有点像 break 语句。但它不是强迫终止,continue 会跳过当前循环中的代码,强迫开始下一次循环。 对于 for 循环,continue 语句执行后自增语句仍然会执行。对于 while 和 do...while 循环,continue 语句重新执行条件