It would not be unusual to see a listing status you are unfamiliar with in a listing when you have not bought or sold for a while. Before going out house hunting, it is essential to understand their definitions. From experience, many don’t know the statuses that well. By the time you...
“Contingent” in any sense means “depending on certain circumstances.” In real estate, when a house is listed as contingent, it means that an offer has been made and accepted, but before the deal is complete, some additional criteria must be met. What does it mean when a property is ...
If there is a contingent house or pending house that you simply can’t miss out on, it doesn’t hurt to write a personal plea to the current homeowners. Regardless of the posted status or what the listing agent says, it’s not always possible to know the dynamics of a home sale. If...
Contingent means the seller has accepted an offer, but certain conditions need to be met before the sale closes. This means there’s still a chance that thesale could fall throughand the house goes back on the market, should those conditions go unmet. ...