Welcome to Continental Engineering Services! Your Engineering Partner for the automotive and industrial environment.
Continental Engineering Services (CES) is a global services and consulting firm with 1,700 employees. By integrating its KNIME center of excellence into CES, the automotive supplier Continental Corporation reacted to the growing interest across industries to learn about and to replicate their award-wi...
In workshops or individual support, customers benefit from the diversity and quality of our consulting and support services.
Assisted and automated driving is a key megatrend in Off-Highway industries. With Continental Engineering Services you profit from mature and robust automotive sensors and functions that can be adapted to the individual off-highway-application.
独门绝技,Continental & Volterio 开发电动汽车充电机器人 Continental Engineering Services (CES) 是大陆集团的开发和生产服务提供商,与初创公司 Volterio 建立了合作伙伴关系,共同开发智能充电机器人,让充电变得更容易。第一个系统计划于 2022 年年中推出。根据大陆集团的说法,CES 符合汽车行业的所有必要认证标准。
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Diagnostics & Services – Engineering Solutions - We’re more than just a provider to our customers, we’re their dedicated engineering partner.
Continental Engineering Services, Porto (CES) Continental Engineering Services aims to actively protect the resources available on our planet by by constantly seeking greater efficiency. As conscientious individuals, we assist others in fulfilling their dreams while meeting client expectations. CES creates...
汽车供应商 Continental Engineering Services 致力于生产制动器、油门踏板等零件,现如今还推出增材制造服务。通快 3D 打印机制造的组件可提供出色的表面光洁度和负载测试结果。 总部位于法兰克福的 Continental EngineeringServices GmbH(CES)成立于 2006 年,致力于为汽车行业开发和生产解决方案。CES 在全球拥有约 1800 名...