Continental drift is the idea that Earth's continents continually undergo large-scale horizontal movements.大陆漂移是指地球上的陆地不断地进行大规模的水平运动。This theory has a long history, originating about 1800 when German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt posited that the lands bordering the ...
Learn about Continental Drift and the evidence behind the theory. Explore Alfred Wegener's hypothesis regarding the causes and effects of...
The continental drift theory was based on several factors. One of the arguments, which had been pointed out by others before Wegener, was that some of the continents simply looked like they fit together. Perhaps the most obvious example of this can be seen in the way that the eastern coast...
In the early 1900s, Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of Continental Drift. His ideas centered around continents moving across the face of the Earth. The idea was not quite correct - compared to the plate tectonics theory of today - but his thinking was on the proper track. In addition, a...
Today, the theory of continental drift is an established part of geology, and is known as plate tectonics. The movement of the continents is thought to be driven by the movement of plates on the Earth's surface, which interact with one another and with the underlying mantle. This understandi...
A close look at the world physical map will leave you surprised noticing that all seven continents fit together like pieces in a child's jigsaw puzzle. This very fact forms the basis of an interesting hypothesis known as the Continental Drift Theory.
Continental drift by Alfred Wegner is the theory that “all land”, Pangaea, collided forming a single land mass, later drifting apart to form our world today. This theory, an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action, says that 300 million years ago the continent...
but his hypothesis was rejected by many for lack of any motive mechanism.Arthur Holmeslater proposedmantle convectionfor that mechanism. The idea of continental drift has since beensubsumedby the theory ofplate tectonics, which explains that the continents move by riding on plates of the Earth's ...
Today the theory of plate tectonics, which includes continental drift, forms a framework for the study of geology and the Earth. For the evidence that continental drift is happening, click here.It is the heat generated by radioactive decay inside the Earth which drives this process. The center...
, opening a channel for the huge ocean-going ships. Here, humankind has exerted a truly tectonic force. By the end of the day, sunburnt and tired, we felt that much inside us had changed. Along the watery path that joins two oceans we experienced something a lot like continental drift....