Learn about Continental Drift and the evidence behind the theory. Explore Alfred Wegener's hypothesis regarding the causes and effects of...
Besides the way thecontinents fit together, Wegener and his supporters collected a great deal of evidence for the continental drift hypothesis. For one,identical rocksof the same type and age are found on both sides of theAtlantic Ocean. Wegener said the rocks had formed side-by-side and that...
Continental drift theory suggests that continents were once joined together and have since drifted apart. What in the Earth's interior allows this movement to happen? A. The solid crust B. The flowing mantle C. The static outer core D. The cool inner core 相关知识点: ...
Over the next decades, other scientists brought forth more evidence for the theory of continental drift, such as the presence of identical plant fossils in North American and European coal deposits.在接下来的几十年里,其他科学家为大陆漂移理论提出了更多的证据,比如在北美和欧洲的煤矿中发现了相同的...
Continental drift, large-scale horizontal movement of continents relative to one another and to the ocean basins during one or more episodes of geologic time. This concept was an important precursor to the development of the theory of plate tectonics, wh
Continental drift theory Evolving theories Continental drift evidence Additional resources Continental drift was a revolutionary theory explaining that continents shift position on Earth's surface. The theory was proposed by geophysicist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912, but was rejected by mai...
This evidence explained why neither theory had been able to relate the whole Earth's behaviour to laws of physics. Hence different aspects of geology had only been solved separately which had fragmented Earth science. This paper proposes a compromise. It is that the rigid lithosphere fractures ...
Continental Drift TheoryDonika KellySummer 2020For two nights we slept as two people who were once in love: our bodies settled into one another, our skin quiet. No quickening, only habit, and sleep hard come. Our first farewell, said without knowing, drowned by our delight, shared and ...
In the early theory of continental drift, which evidence was NOT used by Wegener? A. Similar fossils on different continents B. The shape of the continents C. The alignment of mountain ranges D. The rotation of the E. arth 相关知识点: ...
Title:Early Theories of Continental Drift The idea that the past geography of Earth was different from today is not new. The earliest maps showing the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa probably provided people with the first evidence that continents may have once been ...