复数:continentals 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. continental crust 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 continental 显示所有例句 adj. 1. [obn] 欧洲大陆的(不包括英国和爱尔兰)of or in the continent of Europe, not including Britain and Ireland 2. 随(西、南欧国家)大陆风俗的following the customs of countries ...
大小写变形:Continental 词态变化 复数:continentals; 实用场景例句 全部 大陆的 大陆性的 欧洲大陆的 欧洲大陆人 a popularcontinentalholiday resort 受欢迎的欧洲大陆度假胜地 牛津词典 Britain'scontinentalneighbours 英国的欧洲大陆邻国 牛津词典 acontinentallifestyle ...
A More Sustainable Future with Continental On the journey toward a more sustainable future, sustainable solutions are crucial for lasting success. But these innovations should not just stay in the showroom; they belong on the road. As a global technology company, we are committed to transforming ...
Please find here the complete press release“Ninety Years of Winter Tire Development at Continental” Career at Continental Shaping the future of mobility is not easy. But it gets easier when the right talents are on board. Only together can we develop solutions that make tomorrow even safer, ...
德国大陆轮胎(马牌轮胎)公司(Continental AG),始建于1871年,总部位于德国汉诺威市,是世界第三大轮胎制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件供应商。公司简介 1882年德国大陆公司将象征速度和激情的烈马标志作为公司的商标,马牌轮胎由此得名。1892年德国大陆公司是第一家生产充气马车和自行车胎的德国公司。1898年大陆公司生产...
Continental中国 2月28日 17:43 来自微博网页版 已编辑 大陆集团助力东风日产N7以细腻守护诠释「移动家居」理念,祝愿东风日产N7上市大卖!@东风日产 @东风日产 #东风日产N7# 内饰官宣精心打磨每一处细节诠释家的内涵东风日产N7,为家而来3月1日15:00-16:30 #东风日产最家技术发布会#...展开全文c 长...
continental汉语翻译 a. 大陆的, 洲的 n. 欧洲大陆人 【法】 大陆的, 大陆性的 相关词组: not worth a continental not care a continental continental词型变化 副词:continentally 名词:continentalism continental英语解释 形容词 continental: of or pertaining to or typical of Europe ...
The oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock, so it begins to sink down under the continental plate and into the mantle.(海洋板块是由密度更大、更重的岩石构成的,所以它开始下沉到大陆板块之下,到地幔之中。) By contrast, because sedimentation is much less continuous in continental region...
Continental is a thought leader in artificial intelligence for the automotive industry and enables, develops, and deploys AI applications across its processes, products, and services. Learn more Software From the “classic” architecture to the software-defined vehicle. With software solutions from Cont...