What continent is France in? What is the climate like in Oceania? What continent is the Philippines part of? What continent is entirely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres? What continent is Israel located in? What ocean lies between Africa and Australia? What continent is south of Europe...
EuropeMyinterestiskeenest,perhaps,notsomuchinrelationto knownfactsastospeculationupontheunknowableofthetwocenturies thathaverolledbysincehumanintercoursebetweentheWesternand EasternHemispheresceased--themysteryofEurope'sstatefollowing the terminationoftheGreatWar--provided,ofcourse,thatthewarhad ...
It has numerous claims to fame, including being the highest mountain in Chile and the second highest mountain in both the Western and Southern Hemispheres. Though the peak has very dry conditions due to its position in the Atacame Desert, there is a permanent crater lake at 20,960 ft, makin...
My interest is keenest, perhaps, not so much in relation to known facts as to speculation1 upon the unknowable of the two centuries that have rolled by since human intercourse2 between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres ceased—the mystery of Europe's state following the termination of the ...