Contiki-os简介 Contiki-os简介 Contiki-os特点 Contiki-os特点 Contiki-os特点 Contiki源码结构 Contiki源码结构 Contiki源码结构 Contiki应用程序编写 Contiki应用程序编写 Contiki安装过程 •Ubuntu14.04下安装contikisudoapt-getinstallbuild-essentialbinutils-msp430gcc-msp430msp430-libcbinutils-avrgcc-avrgdb-avravr-...
ls -al Contiki源码通过Git进行版本管理,Clone远程地址。 当前版本不一定是最新,我们先尝试更新。 git submodule sync && git submodule update --init 这里我们尝试编译进入到contiki/examples/cc26xx编译我们第一个例程。 cd contiki/examples/cc26xx make TARGET=srf06-cc26...
registerBuiltinPlugin(Notes.class); 3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion 3 java/org/contikios/cooja/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -352,7 +352,8 @@ public Simulation(SimConfig cfg, Cooja cooja, String title, boolean generateSeed // Skip plugins...
“Contiki was a real enabler as it allowed us to do rapid prototyping and easily shift between different hardware platforms,” says Markham, now an associate professor at the University of Oxford. Contiki isn’t nearly so well-known as Windows or OS X or even Linux, but for more than a ...