2015年8月,Contiki 3.0 发布,距离上一版本2.7也有两年之久,而这两年 IoT 发展态势良好:各大主流半导体厂商基本都推出了 IoT 的无线连接方案(6LoWPAN, ZigBee, BLE, Thread 等等,TI 更是宣称其向 Contiki 社区贡献了所有 Contiki 6LoWPAN 开发成果。),甚至一些大大小小的互联网公司都在搭建 IoT 的后端云平台。我...
Coffee forensics — Reconstructing data in IoT devices running Contiki OSdoi:10.1016/J.FSIDI.2021.301188Jens-Petter SandvikKatrin FrankeHabtamu AbieAndré rnesElsevierForensic Science International: Digital Investigation
Contiki-NG: The OS for Next Generation IoT Devices C1.4k707 cc13xxwarecc13xxwarePublic Git-versioned fork of TI's CC13xxware. This is only a partial version needed in order to build the Contiki OS for CC13xx. If you require the latest version, it is distributed as part of TI-RTOS...
Contiki-NG: The OS for Next Generation IoT Devices Contiki-NG is an open-source, cross-platform operating system for Next-Generation IoT devices. It focuses on dependable (secure and reliable) low-power communication and standard protocols, such as IPv6/6LoWPAN, 6TiSCH, RPL, and CoAP. Contiki...
Contiki OS Contiki is an open source operating system for the Internet of Things. Contiki connects tiny low-cost, low-power microcontrollers to the Internet. Features Memory Allocation. Contiki is designed for tiny systems, having only a few kilobytes of memory available....
问如何在Contiki操作系统中用block2实现coap观察者EN设置:我有一个运行Coap rest服务器(使用Contiki OS)...
NUCLEO-L152RE development boards equipped with the X-NUCLEO-IDS01Ax sub-1 GHz RF communication board based on the SPIRIT1 transceiver, you can develop a variety of IoT applications with the features and flexibility of the Contiki OS running on an STM32 platform coupled with the SPIRIT1 ...
Internet of Things - Contiki - Contiki is an operating system for IoT that specifically targets small IoT devices with limited memory, power, bandwidth, and processing power. It uses a minimalist design while still packing the common tools of modern oper
针对电信类学生硬件,网络,嵌入式操作系统三方面综合应用能力弱的问题,设计了物联网(Internet of things,IoT)综合实验.硬件采用STM32W108芯片,CC2530通信模块和IEEE802.15.4传感器模块,内部移植Contiki操作系统,完成基于6LoWPAN技术的两节点TCP通信任务.教学设计内容紧扣物联网发展主题,从个域网的通信子网搭建开始,完成了...
无线再编程就是对布置在现场的传感器节点进行远程程序代码更新.它对于无线传感器网络的开发,部署以及维护至关重要.大对象(large object)数据分发协议是无线再编程技术的基础.Deluge协议是一个为支持无线再编程而设计的代码分发协议,它在TinyOS平台上已经取得了广泛的应用.将用COOJA仿真器在Contiki平台上对Deluge协议的性能...