出自https://github.com/contiki-ng/contiki-ng/wiki/Toolchain-installation-on-Linux 我在*宝网上,100块不到入手了一个CC2538的开发板,于是我对/contiki-3.0/examples/cc2538dk内的CC2538-DEMO.C进行make,将生成的HEX文件,用J-FLASH烧进CC2538里面去, 能看到开发板的PC1外接LED不断在闪亮,当我进行芯片擦掉...
Pull requests55 Discussions Actions Wiki Security31 Insights Additional navigation options Alex Stanoev edited this pageOct 28, 2022·6 revisions This page has moved to:https://docs.contiki-ng.org/en/develop/doc/getting-started/Toolchain-installation-on-macOS.html...
Port to Contiki-NG (waiting for exp5438 motes to be supported) Known Issues Shortest Path Routing doesn't work well with larger network sizes (30+), use RPL-NS routing in this case! This is because it takes too long to compute all the possible paths on the central atom controller, and...