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网络具本色化的设计 网络释义 1. 具本色化的设计 4.具本色化的设计(Contextually relevant)今天「华传」很多的宣教士都是来自各地的海外侨胞,当他们到宣教工塲接触从中国 …|基于5个网页
双语例句 更多例句 1、 The Twist Scenario Editor is essentially a rich text editor that gives business users a lot of flexibility to write whatever is contextually relevant for a test. Twist的场景编辑器实质上是一个富文本编辑器,让企业用户编写测试相关的内容时有很大的灵活性。 互联网摘选 2、 ...
CONTEXTUALLY RELEVANT SPOKEN DEVICE-TO-DEVICE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN IOT DEVICESIn one embodiment, in accordance with the present invention, a method for incorporating human comprehension and interaction with device-to-device communication between devices as they occur in a person's immediate surroundings. ...
Also keep in mind that these icons only appear when they are contextually relevant, usually there won’t be this many at the same time.此外在腦子裡想象這些圖標衹在它們上下文相關的時候才出現,通常情況下不會同時有這麽多圖標的。 If we convert these lines to what they mean in English, we can...
and properties) was faster when the property was relevant to An earlier discussion of this work was presented at the meetings of the Psychonomic Society in November 1982. This research was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant
Show contextually relevant information Display information relevant to the user’s current task and environment. Display information relevant to the user’s current task and environment. When showing information, consider whether the user’s surrounding context, such as their current task, location, or...
Define contextually. contextually synonyms, contextually pronunciation, contextually translation, English dictionary definition of contextually. adj. Of, involving, or depending on a context. con·tex′tu·al·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary of
Construct-oriented Biodata: Capturing Change-related and Contextually Relevant Future PerformanceAn Unsupervised Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment using Contextually Similar WordsAre the Learning Styles of Asian International Students Culturally or Contextually Based?. ...
InThe Power of Context – India Edition, IAS’s latest research, we asked over 500 consumers in India to weigh in on how context and sentiment influences their perception of advertisements and brands. What we found is that consumers are extremely receptive to contextually relevant ads: The...