This paper seeks to answer the question of what factors are conducive to depth of outreach or the attention of customers with lower incomes, by comercial microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Per煤, in order to propose measures aimed to a greater financial inclusion to the microenterprise sector. ...
Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Reme...
AI/前端库DeepLearning.scala/Binding.scala作者 如果要让新入职的人类程序员在一个一万行代码的项目里修一个bug,人类程序员大概需要花一个星期时间学习这一万行代码然后才能开始工作,哪怕这个bug只要改一行代码就能修好。如果要让RWKV修这个bug,那么RWKV大概需要先花几小时,用这一万行代码fine-tune,然后才能开始工作。
This article aims to answer this question, analyzing the necessary skills for engineers and how to develop them using Active Learning Methodologies, in view of the advent of Industry 4.0.Jorge, Letícia NevesPereira, Marco Antnio CarvalhoVeraldo Junior, Lucio Garcia...
This paper seeks to answer the question of what factors are conducive to depth of outreach, that is, attending to customers on lower incomes, on the part of commercial microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Peru, in order to propose measures aimed at increasing the f...
To answer this question, a study was conducted with some 2,065 future teachers, 410 associate professors and 90 supervisors of teaching practices from nine French-speaking Quebec universities offering a beginning teacher-training program. The results show that these prospective teachers have access to...
to answer this question, a study was conducted with some 2,065 future teachers, 410 associate professors and 90 supervisors of teaching practices from nine french-speaking quebec universities offering a beginning teacher-training program. the results show that these prospective teachers have access to...
In this article, we present a system that helps tutors to answer questions asked by their students at an online university: the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Communication between UOC students and their tutors is fully online; students ask questions and tutors answer them by e-mail. The...
Although the studies reveal some ways forward, these are not sufficiently conclusive and specific to answer the study's central question. We recommend the development of an investigation which allows understanding of the nature of the comfort process in relation to the older patient living with a ...
The question is what can of answer to these risks could give the insurance and what should be the aspects to consider in this regard, especially in Uruguay where this issue is emerging.Signorino Barbat, AndreaRevista Ibero-Latinoamericana de Seguros...