The notion of "context" has played an important but complicated role in animal learning theory. Some studies have found that contextual stimuli (e.g., conditioning chamber) act much like punctate stimuli, entering into competition with other cues as would be predicted by standard associative ...
The context-dependence of extinction learning has been well studied and requires the hippocampus. However, the underlying neural mechanisms are still poorly understood. Using memory-driven reinforcement learning and deep neural networks, we developed a model that learns to navigate autonomously in biologic...
In this paper an extension to the standard error backpropagation learning rule for multilayer feed forward neural networks is proposed, that enables them to be trained for context dependent information. The context dependent learning is realised by using a different error function (called average risk...
Context-Dependent “Upper Anchors” for Learning ProgressionsSCIENCE educationEDUCATION researchSCIENTIFIC modelsSCIENCE studentsLEARNINGIn the spirit of model revision, researchers continue to refine the notion of a learning progression. Despite many advances in learning progressions research, one key design ...
Continual learning of context-dependent processing in neural networks,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
速读paper《Learning to Map Context-Dependent Sentences to Executable Formal Queries》 这是一篇18年的paper了,最近毕设和生成sql任务相关,就在过去的paper中吸吸经验~ 论文解决的问题: 关于多轮对话中的生成sql回答的一种解决方案 使用的数据集是: atis数据集 (是一份关于航班询问的英文数据集) 其中96%的查询...
In this study, 2.5-, 3-, and 4-year-olds ( N = 108) participated in a novel noun generalization task in which background context was manipulated. During the learning phase of each trial, children were presented with exemplars in one or multiple background contexts. At the test, children...
Deep neural networks are powerful tools in learning sophisticated but fixed mapping rules between inputs and outputs, thereby limiting their application in more complex and dynamic situations in which the mapping rules are not kept the same but change according to different contexts. To lift such li...
is a learning coefficient (since performance of learning is better when is a decreasing function of | [2], we substitute in the simulations). Table 1. Example of the relation of target patterns to cue and context patterns that is difficult to realize. ...
Nonetheless, there are several reasons to believe that learning is involved. On one hand, previous experiments have shown that the brain fails to accurately reconstruct the position of a visual target following passive body rotation in darkness5,10. On the other hand, the ability to use ...