All these issues pose substantial hurdles, making meetup event extraction an arduous endeavor. To address these challenges, we propose a context-aware meetup-event extraction (CAMEE) framework. Our framework is designed to handle the specific difficulties presented by meetup events, as event titles ...
The former (factoid VideoQA) directly asks about the visual facts (e.g., humans, objects, actions, etc.), while the latter (inference VideoQA) requires logical reasoning of latent variables (e.g., the spa- tial, temporal and causal relationships among entities, men- tal states, etc.) ...
To further exploit semantic scene context, we propose a Contextual Instance Trans- former (CIT) to capture the relationship between objects and the scene context. In summary, our main contributions include: • We propose a semantic scene context-aware frame- work for salient object detection, ...
Finally, such models have shown success in other vision tasks such as human pose estimation [27], saliency detection [28], and object detection [29,30]. These methods can recover spatial details, albeit may perform poorly in segmenting fine object boundaries. It maybe owing to under and/or ...
Comparing the proposed model and the fixed routes model, almost all the results of the former are better than the latter. This indicates that the route with the shortest distance may not be the route with the least risk, because the addition of relief stations is another reason for the risk...
We believe that this might be attributed to the strate- gies to enhance spatial perception such as pose adjustment based on accurate perception models (e.g., depth estima- tors, etc.) that generally perform well in seen environments. Nevertheless,...
Meanwhile, the driver may be disturbed with repeated information and this could pose a threat to safe driving. With regard to the alternate observed status, the higher status between the former Sensors 2017, 17, 609 11 of 18 assessment status sitn−1 and the current observed status vitn ...
Meanwhile, the driver may be disturbed with repeated information and this could pose a threat to safe driving. With regard to the alternate observed status, the higher status between the former assessment status 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑛−1stn−1i and the current observed status 𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑛vtni ...
They also introduced a new way to enhance the distorted 3D objects by using the pose estimation technique for the combined 3D points. Although this work could help visually impaired people in their navigation, the detection stage (the core module in work) does not work in sophisticated scenarios...
Figure 1. The high-level structure of the proposed approach comprises three components: (1) the news content module; (2) the multi-modalities module, where the former is used to model semantic contextualised representations from the news content while the latter runs gated layers to learn the ...