最终根据能够从上下文中学习到视觉概念的能力,取名为Context-Aware Meta-Learning(CAML)。 2. 方法详情Approach 作者重复强调本文采用的是支撑LLMs的in-context learning方法,虽然有类似的方法在其他领域,但是避免了meta-trianing的过程并且是首次运用于分类领域(证明没人做过,保证论文的创新性)。 2.1 结构这一部分为摘...
Sousa. CALDS: context-aware learning from data streams. In Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Novel Data Stream Pattern Mining Techniques, StreamKDD, pages 16-24, 2010.Gomes, J., Menasalvas, E., & Sousa, P. (2010). CALDS: Context-aware learning from data streams. In Pro- cee...
在波兰,近80%的人在进行网购时首先考虑的是Allegro平台,其品牌认知度在波兰高达98%。Allegro成立于1999年,已有20多年历史,成立之初是一个拍卖型网站,随着平台不断的发展,最终成为在欧洲市场为数不多的压过ebay和Amazon的平台之一。 论文题目: 《Context-Aware Learning to Rank with Self-Attention》 论文地址: ht...
This paper represents a new context-aware learning system to provide services in ubiquitous computing environment. The aim is to precisely decide which services each user provides. To achieve this goal, we design a preprocessing method (i.e., context modeling) to obtain good information which repr...
(1)实验设置: ① 数据集设置:Market1501、CUHK03、MARS; ② 参数设置:模型基于Caffe;图片大小resize为150*64;batch size = 64;learning rate = 0.01,并在1w次迭代后下降至0.01倍;momentum = 0.9,weight decay = 5*10-3;共迭代5w次。 (2)实验结果:...
Recent developments on mobile devices and networks enable new opportunities for mobile learning anywhere, anytime. Furthermore, recent advances on adaptive learning establish the foundations for personalized learning adapted to the characteristics of each individual learner. A mobile learner would perform an...
Together with the dataset, we propose a novel Contrastive Context-aware Learning framework, namely CCL. CCL is a new training methodology for supervised PAD tasks, which is able to learn by leveraging rich contexts accurately (e.g., subjects, mask material and lighting) among pairs of live ...
Reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper.The presenting author of this paper has the option to appeal this decision by contacting TPII@ieee.org.In the ubiquitous learning environment, how to provide learners with the right resources at the right time in the ...