Small Object Detection using Context and Attention 论文阅读笔记 出处:2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) Jeju Island, Korea 一、介绍 目标检测算法在各种环境下的应用存在许多局限性,特别是检测小物体仍然具有挑战性,因为它们的分辨率低,信息有限。 文章...
首先给小目标提供足够多的信息,通过从高层中提取背景信息给小目标,然后拼接特征层,就能增强小目标的信息。然后为了让网络聚焦于小目标,在浅层增加了注意力机制,能减少网络对于背景的关注。 2 Related Works 3 Method作者的思路是改造SSD,首先引入特征融合模块,构造出F-SSD;然后引入注意力模块,构造出A-SSD;最后将...
spatial contextAccurately identifying small objects in high-resolution aerial images presents a complex and crucial task in thefield of small object detection on unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs).This task is challenging due to variations inUAV flight altitude,differences in object scales,as well as ...
There are many limitations applying object detection algorithm on various environments. Especially detecting small objects is still challenging because they have low resolution and limited information. We propose an object detection method using context for improving accuracy of detecting small objects. The...
State-of-the-art object detectors usually progressively downsample the input image until it is represented by small feature maps, which loses the spatial information and compromises the representation of small objects. In this article, we propose a context-aware block net (CAB Net) to improve smal...
Recent deep convolutional neural network-based object detectors have shown promising performance when detecting large objects, but they are still limited in detecting small or partially occluded ones--in part because such objects convey limited information due to the small areas they occupy in images....
这种操作类似relu操作。 总结: (1), paper 使用了multi-scale 进行object detection,在浅层Conv层对其feature maps进行roi-pooling, 增强了对small object的detect能力。 (2),使用了RNN对其周围的region的信息,增强feature信息,促进classification。
That is, we establish an attention-based 3D object detection network CIANet, which effectively improves the overall detection performance, especially for weak objects with small sizes like pedestrians and cyclists. Specifically, for the first stage of the efficient voxel-based network Voxel-RCNN [12...
Promptify— A small Python library for using language models to perform NLP tasks. Scale Spellbook— A paid product for building, comparing, and shipping language model apps. PromptPerfect— A paid product for testing and improving prompts. Weights & Biases— A paid product for tracking model tr...
The experimental results show that our proposed detector achieves better results than DSOD and exceeds most of the existing excellent detectors, especially detects partially occluded objects and small objects well.doi:10.1007/s11042-020-09500-6Jingjuan Guo...