Violent change that is political in nature also arises through the character of Hotspur in the play, King Henry IV, Part One. Like Evie and V’s revolt, Hotspur, through the rebel camp, similarly enacts a revolt against the established governmental power by specifically, trying to kill King ...
Why else, he demands, would a well-bred young Venetian woman run away to what he calls “the sooty bosom” of Othello? This phrase reveals the racial motivation of Brabanzio’s anger. It also alludes to the way the play was originally performed. Othello, a black character, was first ...
Shakespearian Drama Tragedy: A drama that ends in catastrophe—most often death—for the main character and often for several other important characters as well Tragic Hero: The main character, someone who is nobly born and has great influence in his or her society. This character has weakness ...