The meaning of IN CONTEXT is in a sentence with other words. How to use in context in a sentence.
Other Words From con text·lessadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcontext1 First recorded in 1375–1425;late Middle English,fromLatincontextus“a joining together, scheme, structure,” past participle ofcontexere“to join by weaving,” equivalent tocon-con-+texere“to plait...
Canyouexplainthemeaningofthewordsinitalicsineachofthesentencesbelow?Explainwhyandthenmakesomealterationsinthecontextsoastopindownthemeaning.a.Thepolicewereorderedtostopdrinkingaboutmidnight.stoppeopledrinking/stopdrinkingbythemselves b.Therestoodabigstonehouseatthefootofthehill.astonehousewhichisbig/ahousebuiltofbig...
Without the benefit of the context surrounding that single word, one stands little chance of understanding the meaning of the word at the point that it’s uttered. There has to be some level of semantic understanding in order to comprehend the intended meaning. This concept is at the cor...
You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from thecontext. 你应该能从上下文猜出这个词的含义。 牛津词典 This quotation has been taken out ofcontext(= repeated without giving the circumstances in which it was said) . 这条引语是断章取义。
Look for certain cue words like but, however, although, or other phrases that suggest a contradiction or contrast. Keep in mind that you have to reverse the antonym’s meaning to reveal the definition of the unknown word. Context clues example sentences Mika seemed genial at first, but when...
in and uses the new activity when executing. That is why, in the following steps, I use the Activity property on the new AEC to refer to the activity when registering for status changes and asking the context to execute the activity. The only other item of note here is that I set the...
You might want to know when the shortcut menu is being displayed in order to set check marks, disable items, and perform other menu tasks before the menu is displayed to the user. You can handle the Popup event to determine when the shortcut menu is being displayed. Note In order to ...
In addition, context nodes can have relational links to each other. For example, if a word is underlined, the context node representing the ink word and the context node representing the underline are linked.For example, the following figure shows ink that is analyzed as shown in the ...