简介 微信小程序与服务器的沟通逻辑并不复杂,流程: 前3步做好以后,我在最后一步遇到了2个问题,...
const client = new ApolloClient({ uri: process.env.REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_SERVER_URI, cache: new InMemoryCache(), }); ReactDOM.render( <React.StrictMode> <ApolloProvider client={client}> <App /> </ApolloProvider> </React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById("root") ); // If you want to...
As i am developing a gql server backend using Apollo server (v2.4.8), i am in need to implement authentication for my gql endpoints. i used jwt for this and followed the apollo server documentation to implement same. https://www.apollogr...
! use https instead of http in urls 3年前 .gitmodules chore(ci): improveappveyor.yml; usingbyte-buddyinstead of `comm… 3年前 CONTRIBUTING.md chore/docs: update CI configs; upgrade TTL version in example 1年前 LICENSE ! use https instead of http in urls ...
Hi,We have a tab application which is added the new teams channel where we read channel name through TeamsJS SDK . We could...
in proximal limb cells by enhancers located in one TAD, which is then silenced when the neighboring TAD activates its enhancers in distal limb cells. We transferred a distal limb enhancer into the proximal limb TAD and found that its new context suppresses its normal distal specificity, even ...
Strings.isNullOrEmpty(loggingServerPort) ?"": loggingServerPort); servletContext.setInitParameter("credisServiceUrl", Strings.isNullOrEmpty(credisServiceUrl) ?"": credisServiceUrl); } }; } 开发者ID:dewey-its,项目名称:apollo-custom,代码行数:21,代码来源:WebContextConfiguration.java ...
IfisFilePathis set totrue, the value offileNameis used as a relative path appended to the endpoint URI of the target business service. For example, if the endpoint URI isfile:///apollo/ob/data, and thefileNameheader is set to./foo/bar.xml, andisFilePathis set totrue, the message...
I want to create a Windows 11 context menu for my Win32 app, but I don't want to write the dll that uses IExplorerCommand . Is it possible to add a...
websocket-initfunc/server/graph""github.com/gqlgen/_examples/websocket-initfunc/server/graph/generated""github.com/rs/cors")funcwebSocketInit(ctxcontext.Context,initPayloadtransport.InitPayload)(context.Context,error){// Get the token from payloadany:=initPayload["authToken"]token,ok:=any.(string)...