问题2 :Context has been already given a name nacos 原因:项目框架 集成logback 与nacos 自带的logback 冲突, nacos的logback 已经先于 项目启动,logback 本身 在命名之后不允许二次修改contextName的名字,问题在阿里nacos 官方git上已有人提出, https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/issues/1959 目前的解决方案是 ...
21:50:39,908 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ContextNameAction - Failed to rename context [rent] as [nacos] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context has been already given a name at java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context has been already given a name 21:50:49,667 |-INFO...
在进行项目开发过程中,通过Spring Boot整合Alibaba Nacos的服务注册与发现和配置中心时,遇到个梗,启动时打印出一串错误日志信息 “ Failed to rename context [logback] as [nacos] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context has been already given a name ” ,但是不会影响项目的正常运行和使用,...
报错信息: ERROR in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ContextNameAction - Failed to rename context [自己配置的ContextName] as [nacos] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Context has been already given a name at java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cont...
linux启动服务 nacos This Context has been already destroyed,linux上启动Memcache报错:[root@localhostmemcached]#./bin/memcached-d-m2048-p11211-uroot./bin/memcached:errorwhileloadingsharedlibraries:libevent-1.4.so.2:cannotopensharedobjectfile:N
*/ protected void assertBeanFactoryActive() { if (!this.active.get()) { if (this.closed.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException(getDisplayName() + " has been closed already"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(getDisplayName() + " has not been refreshed yet"); } } } get...