The present invention includes a context-free grammar (CFG) engine which communicates through an exposed interface with a speech recognition engine. The context-free grammar engine,
Functionality to generate the members of the language that a grammar generates. To get the language of a grammar given a list of allowed tokens, run e.g.: language (generator romanNumeralsGrammar"VIX")=[(0,""),(1,"I"),(5,"V"),(10,"X"),(20,"XX"),(11,"XI"),(15,"XV"),...
Context Free Grammar Markov Chain Installation VNameGenerator is hosted on the JitPack package repository which supports Gradle, Maven, and sbt. Gradle Add JitPack to your build.gradle at the end of repositories. allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } } ...
These words that are specific to the frames are sent back to the post processor, where they are fed to a dynamic grammar generator that generates speech grammars in some format, using the words that are fed to it. This grammar and other contextual information, form a new set of context ...
Transfer Visual Prompt Generator across LLMs arXiv 2023-05-02 Github Demo GPT-4 Technical Report arXiv 2023-03-15 - - PaLM-E: An Embodied Multimodal Language Model arXiv 2023-03-06 - Demo Prismer: A Vision-Language Model with An Ensemble of Experts arXiv 2023-03-04 Github Demo Lan...
grammar inference; weighted context-free grammar; split algorithm; unsupervised learning 1. Introduction The task of grammar or automata induction is a part of symbolic artificial intelligence [1] and is called grammatical inference or grammar induction [2]. Among different subtasks of this scientific...
The abstraction is based on context-free grammar to define conditions and actions. Based on the grammar, the tool then generates a configuration file to be integrated into mobile devices. In general, languages are targeted to technical people, requiring learning the language concepts. Other ...