Though overlooked by 20th-century psychology and systems neuroscience, communication between distal apical dendrites and soma within context-sensitive cells is restricted to being positive, as are axonal signals. In both cases, the activity-dependent ionic mechanisms on which they depend are excitatory;...
Konstantinos KoutroumbasPattern Recognition (Fourth Edition)Shi Zhang,,Bernd Schmitt.Language-dependent classification. the mental representation of classifiers in cognition, memory, and AD Evaluation. Journal of experimental psychology. applied . 1998...
Research in psychology has long underscored the significance of contextual influence on social cognition processes and behavior. However, the exploration of sexual interactions as a unique context affecting these processes has largely been neglected by p
or all possible sexual experiences. Instead, we wish to inspire psychology researchers by providing several examples that attest to the relevance of experimental research on social cognition processes to the understanding of the dynamics of sexual interactions, and ...
When environments lack compelling goals, humans often let their minds wander to thoughts with greater personal relevance; however, we currently do not understand how this context-dependent prioritisation process operates. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) maintains goal representations in a context-depe...
situationally dependent. The theoretical approach we propose here evolved from a combination of social science literature and our findings from an inductive, qualitative study of the appropriateness of several behavioral theory constructs for understanding the practice of getting a mammogram among US ...
There is a phenomenon in psychology(心理学现象) called context-dependent memory. It refers to the idea that we are best able to remember things in environments similar to when the information was encoded(解码). If you are in a quiet room during your exam, try to simula...
During collaborative problem solving, higher education students experience various challenges like communication and coordination issues. Moreover, they of
Prominent theories propose synchronous interactions coordinate network communication34, which would support hippocampal-dependent reinstatement of memory content. Thus, we predicted synchronous activity in both PM and AT networks during the free-recall task. We next tested the hypothesis that PM and AT ...
Answer to: Besides priming, memory retrieval cues can be context-dependent, state-dependent, and depend on the serial position. a. True b. False By...