这种特性意味着,无论处于何种环境或条件下,该事物的本质属性、功能或意义都保持不变。例如,在语言学中,某些英语的词序规则可以在不同的上下文中保持一致,显示出'context independent'的特性。 'context independent'与'context dependent'的对比 与'context independent'相对的是'context ...
All these definitions, regardless of their differences, basically share some aspects in common that context is context-dependent and language-centered. In other words, it is inter-related and contributes to the understanding of meaning.;Part4: The role of context;;;Part 5: Conclusion ;Linguistic...
All these definitions, regardless of their differences, basically share some aspects in common that context is context-dependent and language-centered. In other words, it is inter-related and contributes to the understanding of meaning. Context 英语语用学 Part4: The role of context 4.1. ...
为此我们依然借鉴TransactionScope的方式,定义了一个DependentContext(对应着DependentTransaction)。在异步操作开始执行之前,我们根据当前ExecutionContext创建一个DependentContext,此时当前ExecutionContext相应数据项会拷贝到DependentContext中。在异步操作代码中,我们根据DependentContext创建ExecutionContextScope ,那么通过Current属性返...
// Resources is app scale dependent. if (false) { Slog.w(TAG,"getTopLevelResources: " + resDir +" / " + scale); } WeakReference<Resources> wr = mActiveResources.get(key); r = wr !=null ? wr.get() :null; //if (r != null) Slog.i(TAG, "isUpToDate " + resDir + ": "...
2.Controllers can become dependent on information holders' contents.控制器变得依赖信息数据中心或数据库了,控制器做很多事情,意味着领域对象就做很少事情,控制器最后不是只会做什么,决定战略性的事情,也和怎么做,如何实现等战术问题耦合。 3.Objects can become coupled indirectly through the actions of their co...
这意味着,当旅游者抵达一个陌生乡村作短暂的停留和访问时,其对乡村的地方依恋情感难以直接生成。相反,当旅游者生成了与乡村居民之间的情感凝聚后,旅游者可能因爱“乌”及“屋”而提升乡村依恋水平。 这是因为,人际关系和人地关系是相互作用、互为促进的,在很大程度上是“你中有我,我中有你”的关系[34]。关于...
注意如果DXGK_CREATECONTEXTFLAGS。GdiContext设置为 1,这意味着上下文创建为特定于 GDI 的上下文,AllocationListSize必须设置为值 256。 PatchLocationListSize 修补程序位置数组中的起始元素数 (,即用户模式和内核模式下设备)D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST结构的数组。 此数字是驱动程序在调用其DxgkDdiRender函数时请求位于...
aTomorrow's temperature is dependent on today's temperature. If it is cold today, it is unlikely to be very warm tomorrow. However,[translate] atime are normally distributed, i.e., today's value of the variable is also most likely to be tomorrow's value of the variable. However,[transl...