网络语境相关性 网络释义 1. 语境相关性 ...zedness)、 多义性(Ambiguity)和语境相关性(Context-Dependency)等许多特征。|基于 1 个网页
Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. With(IModel) Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. With(IQueryableMethodTranslatingExpressionVisitorFactory) Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. ...
编译.NET 应用程序后,SDK 将生成 JSON 清单文件 (<ApplicationName>.deps.json) ,其中包含有关应用程序依赖项的信息。 可以在运行时使用该DependencyContext类从此清单中读取信息。 当项目中使用了这种方式获取所有类库时 varcompilationLibraries = DependencyContext.Default.CompileLibraries.Where(l => !l.Serviceable...
1)Context:使用Context服务,让您能够把有状态组件的生命周期和交互绑定到一个定义良好并且可以扩展的生命周期环境中。 2)Dependency Injection:使用DI服务,让您能够把一个组件以类型安全的方式注入到一个应用中去,如果组件是个接口,那么可以在部署阶段决定选择这个接口的哪种实现来进行注入。 另外,CDI还提供以下服务: ...
Under this definition, theControllerProviderbased upon anInjected Contextis a component, because it publishes its (admittedly broad) context dependency explicitly, via its constructor parameter. BadControllerProvider,based upon aGlobal Container,is not a component under this definition because its dependency...
</dependency> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 使用的spring.version 是3.2.9 我们注意到junit 的下面有一个<scope>test</scope>,是什么意思呢。说明这个jar只会在你测试的resourse 下才会被使用,正常的代码区域是不会被引用的。所以,在做测试的情况下如果没...
Using webpackChunkName: "[request]" on import only works if the request is a context dependency (one with a variable name). If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. create empty src/lazy.js create src/index.js with import(/* webpackChunkName: "[request...
Specifically, high salt-induced suppression of IL-6 production is mediated through the ROS-induced inhibition of NFAT5 binding to the IL-6 promoter. These data provide intriguing evidence for the acquisition of context dependency. ROS are generated by one of three mechanisms: (1) a xanthine ...
The findings corroborate hypotheses derived from cognitive models of SAD: Automatic self-evaluations were negatively biased in individuals with SAD facing social threat and showed an inverse relationship to levels of state anxiety. However, automatic self-evaluations in individuals with SAD can be unbiase...
et al. Cholinergic blockade frees fear extinction from its contextual dependency. Biol. Psychiatry 73, 345–352 (2013). Article CAS Google Scholar André, M. A. E. & Manahan-Vaughan, D. Involvement of dopamine D1/D5 and D2 receptors in context-dependent extinction learning and Memory ...