of interest to "chalkface" teachers as well as to applied linguists. Kranasch takes a Hallidayan perspective, in which language and context are inextricably bound and context is the medium in which language and culture interact. Our views of this interaction are, however, limited and...
Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning 星级: 112 页 Teaching and Learning of EIL in Korean Culture and Context 星级: 15 页 culture in language learning and teaching:在语言和文化教学learning 星级: 14 页 cognition, language and culture in teaching and learning in - IB 星级...
KRAMSCH,CLAIRE,ContextandCultureinLanguageTeaching.Oxford:OxfordUniversity Press,1993,290pp. Textsontheplaceofcultureinlanguagepedagogyhavetendedeithertooffermoreorless situationally-specific'how-to'guides,ortoplungethereaderintodemandingphilosophiesof discourseandculture.ContextandCultureinLanguageTeaching,however,att...
【预订】Context and Culture in Language Teaching 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货! 作者:Kramsch, Claire出版社:Oxford University Press,USA出版时间:1988年08月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥664.00 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
Oxford Applied Linguistics: Context and Culture in Language TeachingClaire KramschOxford Applied Linguistics
作者:Kramsch, Claire J. 出版社:Oxford Univ Pr 出版年:1993-6 页数:304 定价:$ 38.36 装帧:Pap ISBN:9780194371872 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单 以下书单推荐· ···(全部) 二手市场· ···...
Context and Culture in Language Teaching Lebende SprachenWilss, Wolfram
Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning 作者:Byram, Michael (EDT)/ Grundy, Peter (EDT) 出版社:Multilingual Matters Limited 出版年:2003-04 页数:120 定价:USD 69.95 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781853596575 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到...
Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The chapters in this work all address the significance of the relationship between the aims and methods of language teaching and the contexts in which it takes place. Some do so by considering the implicatio...
Culture in Language Teaching Kramsch,C. Context.and Culture in Language Teaching[M].Oxford:OUR 1993.Kramsch,Claire-1993*Context and Culture in Language Teaching.Cambridge University Press*P-95-Duranti Contezt.Culture in language teaching. . 1997... C Kramsch - 《Encyclopedia of Language & Linguis...