1d): (1) the overall association of the with DNA accessibility (accessibility score), (2) the ability of the TF to initiate an increase in accessibility at the caQTL SNP itself (initiator score, TFBS enrichment at the focal SNP) and (3) the importance of the TF in the sequence context...
For of mixed states incidence, we used a percentile bootstrap due to polymodal distribution of simulated estimates and thus possibly inaccurate bias correction. Whole clusters of correlated data were resampled to preserve within-subject dependency24. In analyses of within-session trends, the time bin...
The maximum value of 32 cell types (although parameterizable for future training) was assigned after analyzing the cellular diversity of all curated scRNA-Seq datasets, and taking the nearest log2 value of the 95% percentile for the number of unique cell types per dataset. Selecting cell types...
Finally, the running state leads to a further drop of resolution distribution, with the the 25th-percentile at 360p and the median at 480p. This is not surprising since when engaged in a intense physical activity the viewer is less likely to be focused on the screen for anything but brief ...
In Study 1, we compared different articulation methods (LR and equipercentile smoothing), and in Study 2, we evaluated different criteria for linking (e.g., adjacent grade or end of course). The collective results indicate that as correlations became smaller, cut scores articulated using LR-...
In these cases, you're being asked to define a phrase with another phrase. Either way, however, both word in context and phrase in context questions should be approached in the same way:always, always go back to the line in which the word or phrase appears—don't let the SAT fool you...
"""q75, q25 = np.percentile(abs(dfs_array), [75,25]) inch_factor =2.54sns.set_context("poster") sns.axes_style('white') sns.set_style("ticks") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15./inch_factor,10./inch_factor))ifbinwidth =='FD': ...
areas. It represents the proportion of water demand that can be saved through historical changes in these measures based on the CDL (Table1). The water conservation (WC) land use scenario is based on the crop acreage and type corresponding to the 25th percentile of historical agricultural ...
score and reference allele score larger than 0.7. “Abundant TF” in a given cell type was defined as 1) TF is expressed in > 50% of the cells in that cell type and 2) TF expression level in the same cell type is above 75th percentile of the values from all predicted TF-cell...
(CorrDiff, baseline – test; Fig.3a) was significantly positively correlated with the behavioral CPP score in MA mice (Fig.3b). This correlation with behavior was not observed in Ctrl mice or for any other functional cell type (Fig.3b). Interestingly, the CorrDiff value for disPCp was ...