Interview and Hire an Attorney It is important that you take all the steps necessary to protect your interests during the divorce process. If you cannot agree when the separation occurred you may also have significant disagreement on issues likechild custody,child support, spousal support and divisi...
Divorce Ms. Solomon is an experienced divorce attorney offering fast, simple and affordable solutions to your financial and family law problems.For a FAST uncontested divorce for a flat fee of only $600.00 (plus court costs), see the EXPRESS DIVORCE tab. She is an excellent family lawyer who...
The judge will sometimes ask that one of the attorney’s prepare a final judgment and send it to the judge in Word so that it can be revised, or in the alternative the judge will prepare the final judgment. It is critical that you choose a Tampa contested divorce attorney and legal staf...
Many times we will have a client walk through the door that believes that there can be no out of court agreement because his or her spouse is “unwilling” to negotiate only to find that initiation from a contested divorce attorney created an opening that he or she could not manage on the...
Jessica is a dedicated, intelligent and a skillful attorney. Her arguments are skillfully articulated. She helped me in getting my divorce finalized in 2018. She then helped in getting the past due child support from my X-spouse and then recently in getting the maintenance alimony payments settle...